One To Watch: Lily Chee

The beautiful and energetic Lily Chee is the latest addition to our "Ones to Watch" series, in partnership with La Petite Magazine and Lee Clower. 

Lily Chee | Photography: Lee Clower

Lily Chee | Photography: Lee Clower

Discovered by her Wilhelmina agent while grocery shopping at Fairway (in the potato aisle) with her dad last year, Lily is a fast rising star. She has shot campaigns for Nike, Target, Esprit, Kohl's, Levi's, Uniqlo, Saks and more. 

Lily Chee | Photography: Lee Clower

Lily Chee | Photography: Lee Clower

Fashion and art made a huge impact on my life, learning about photography and styling has been really exciting!
— Lily Chee

She also plays on the highly competitive SABA Brooklyn Barca girls travel soccer team…And she loves to win. "I like to be the heart of the team - being with my friends and winning"

Lily Chee | Photography: Lee Clower

Lily Chee | Photography: Lee Clower

She also takes multiple dance classes a week, from ballet to hip hop. The name Lily is short for Liling, a name given to her by her grandmother. It means a beautiful flower stands tall on the peak - how fitting.